AaronGustafson’s avatarAaronGustafson’s Twitter Archive

25,430 tweets


  1. When the “newspaper of record” fails to follow its own reporting and pushes disproven propaganda about the Iraq war yet again. theintercept.com/2023/03/30/new-york-times-iraq-war-error/
  2. This headline & lede 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 queenseagle.com/all/2023/3/30/queens-man-indicted
  3. Just wrapped my talk “Adapting to Reality” (which is about #ProgressiveEnhancement) for @ppk’s students at @HvA Slides: presentations.aaron-gustafson.com/PtnfEQ
  4. “More guns lead to more death” @RepBowman/1641219152303013889
  5. Excellent overview of how the concept of the “free market” became so powerful in the United States, it’s origins, and why it’s a myth. Also: Reagan’s deep ties to GE, his part in this push, and neo-liberal adoption of this view. levernews.com/lever-time-who-created-americas-free-market-mythology/
  6. Solid intro to the Accessible Perceptual Contrast Algorithm (#APCA), which will be the updated #contrast algorithm in #WCAG3. git.apcacontrast.com/documentation/WhyAPCA
  7. “Make banking boring again!” 💯 @ewarren/1639017486002601989
  8. They create culture wars and push legislation that dehumanizes people with the least power in our society as a way to distract you from the shady crap they’re up to. This is the dude who authored Florida’s “don't say gay” bill. justice.gov/usao-ndfl/pr/florida-state-representative-indicted-wire-fraud-money-laundering-and-making-false
  9. If you auto-build with every push, did you know you can tell #Netlify to skip building a given commit? Just add '[skip netlify]' to your commit message. radu.link/skip-netlify-build/
  10. Olu is an amazing person. Hire them! @oluoluoxenfree/1637826538115678210
  11. Needs to include audio as well. @fakebaldur/1637473330465783811
  12. “As president, he used the power of the deep state to allege a conspiracy of the deep state against him-an extremely deep state move.” — @sarahkendzior in #TheyKnew. Sarah makes so many incredibly astute observations in this book. It’s a must read!
    Photo of the book page this quote comes from. The section is about how Trump used the tools of wealth and privilege to shield himself from having to face his crimes.
  13. I love everything about this piece showcasing how people with disabilities are using open source to empower themselves and others. github.com/readme/featured/open-source-accessibility
  14. This is an area where we need to catastrophize and reward those lines of thought. The harm is real and it will be exponentially increased if we aren’t intentional about how we use these tools. @cherthedev/1636753750735073280


  1. Nigerian & Kenyan friends: Hit me up if you’re considering applying for a position in one of these offices. I’ll submit your resume using our internal tool if you have a job #. I can’t guarantee it will help, but it couldn’t hurt. DMs open. Details: reuters.com/article/us-africa-microsoft/microsoft-to-spend-100-million-on-kenya-nigeria-tech-development-hub-idUSKCN1SK1BT
  2. I’m incredibly excited about this new #accessibility tool made with ❤️ by some of my friends: accessibilityinsights.io/ It’s incredible for quick tests & can walk you through creating thorough audits that you can export and share with others. You can even file issues to GitHub!
  3. Can I help you with your career? I’m accepting applications for my 2018–2019 mentorships through September 30th. aaron-gustafson.com/notebook/mentorship-2018-2019/
  4. If you publish on the Web, please, please, please, give your subheadings an ID so we can link to individual sections!
  5. Check your customer's web browsing environment in seconds. Why hasn't someone built this before?! yourbrowser.is/
  6. I did not see this coming: free Windows 10 for Raspberry Pi gizmodo.com/windows-10-will-be-free-for-raspberry-pi-1683201820 Bold move @Microsoft.

I’ve retweeted other tweets 5,296 times (20.8%)

Most Retweeted

  1. zeldman 74 retweets
  2. grigs 65 retweets
  3. codepo8 62 retweets
  4. KimCrayton1 44 retweets
  5. EasyReaders 43 retweets
  6. CodeNCreativity 41 retweets
  7. alistapart 39 retweets
  8. ShirleyTemper 38 retweets
  9. TatianaTMac 36 retweets
  10. ninaturner 35 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. ninaturner 35 retweets
  2. annaecook 8 retweets
  3. MSFTEnable 8 retweets
  4. polotek 7 retweets
  5. jennylayfluffy 7 retweets
  6. merylkevans 6 retweets
  7. redcrew 6 retweets
  8. zeldman 6 retweets
  9. KimCrayton1 6 retweets
  10. Carnage4Life 6 retweets

Replies and Mentions

48.0% of my tweets are replies (×12,207)

Most Replies To

  1. seaotta 134 replies
  2. heydonworks 102 replies
  3. codepo8 80 replies
  4. sil 79 replies
  5. nhoizey 78 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. seaotta 22 replies
  2. AngryBlackLady 19 replies
  3. kikutowne 15 replies
  4. ParissAthena 14 replies
  5. ScopicEngineer 14 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 399 times (1.6%)

48.9% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (2,851 of 5,835)

96.8% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (604 of 624)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.com 689 tweets
  2. aaron-gustafson.com 319 tweets
  3. bit.ly 202 tweets
  4. instagram.com 198 tweets
  5. github.com 185 tweets
  6. buff.ly 108 tweets
  7. youtube.com 77 tweets
  8. slideshare.net 75 tweets
  9. medium.com 73 tweets
  10. microsoft.com 72 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. twitter.com 684 tweets
  2. www.aaron-gustafson.com 244 tweets
  3. bit.ly 202 tweets
  4. github.com 162 tweets
  5. instagram.com 151 tweets
  6. buff.ly 108 tweets
  7. www.slideshare.net 73 tweets
  8. medium.com 72 tweets
  9. www.youtube.com 69 tweets
  10. aaron-gustafson.com 68 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 11,704 retweets and ❤️ 34,069 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 🔖 used 201 times on 201 tweets
  2. 🥰 used 136 times on 135 tweets
  3. 😉 used 99 times on 99 tweets
  4. 💜 used 94 times on 90 tweets
  5. 👇🏻 used 93 times on 93 tweets

175 unique emoji on 1,270 tweets (6.3% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. cha used 72 times
  2. pwa used 30 times
  3. funka2012 used 27 times
  4. ui17 used 24 times
  5. btconf used 22 times

1,491 hashtags on 1,491 tweets (7.4% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. d_mn used 35 times
  2. s_it used 25 times
  3. a_s used 22 times
  4. f_ck used 18 times
  5. h_ll used 18 times

203 swear words on 201 tweets (1.0% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets