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  1. I’ve lived in both and Dick Gregory nails it: “I’ve never seen much difference between the South and the North. Down South white folks don’t care how close I get as long as I don’t get too big. Up North white folks don’t care how big I get as long as I don’t get too close.”
    1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
      He follows up: “In the South, black folks have been abused by the white man physically. In the North, black folks have been abused by the white power structure mentally. The difference is that in the North the white system is more clever with its abuse.”
      1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
        That was from a piece he wrote in Ebony in 1971. Shout out to @SceneOnRadio’s “Seeing White” series for bringing it to my attention. I’ve recognized it, but have always had a hard time articulating this.