AaronGustafson’s avatarAaronGustafson’s Twitter Archive—№ 19,536

      1. …in reply to @TraderD65
        @TraderD65 @zeldman @alistapart * People without vision disabilities can process visual information faster.
    1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
      @TraderD65 @zeldman @alistapart To clarify my stance, however, I am not saying all media usage is bad. There is absolutely value in certain media items, but only those that actually have value and that is often contextual.
  1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
    @TraderD65 @zeldman @alistapart ✔️ Movie I am asking to watch ✔️ Screenshots of a software product I’m evaluating for purchase ✔️ Optimized, responsive photos of key people/activities in a news article ❌ Video ad ❌ Video background ❌ Stock photo not directly related to the article I’m reading