AaronGustafson’s avatarAaronGustafson’s Twitter Archive—№ 19,615

  1. …in reply to @ericlaw
    @ericlaw @BrendanEich @bz_moz @david_bokan @othermaciej @tomayac @yoavweiss @chrishtr @DanielBratell @slightlylate @t @yegg @konarkmodi @nitot I gave a LGTM on Edge’s behalf as well (although we’re Chromium now, so make of that what you will). We had been working on something similar, based on the IndieWeb Fregmentions work (+ exploring FIP integration), but this approach proved more robust. github.com/MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers/blob/master/Fragments/explainer.md