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      1. …in reply to @KimCrayton1
        @KimCrayton1 Agreed. I think the “exploitation-free” bit is key. We need a balance between the needs of capital (which is to deliver for shareholders), workers (who are the producers of that capital and deserve to share in it), and society (which also needs to benefit).
    1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
      @KimCrayton1 On the society end of things, we need to end the extractive nature of capitalism and we also need to hold capital accountable for their own mistakes. We should not collectively remedy problems they create in pursuit of profit.
  1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
    @KimCrayton1 For a society—here in the US at least—that puts so much emphasis on self-reliance and individual responsibility, we sure spend a lot of money propping up corporations rather than taking care of our citizens.