AaronGustafson’s avatarAaronGustafson’s Twitter Archive—№ 23,845

  1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
    Excellent analysis from @rtraister: “What does it mean when you value the fetus so much that you're willing to endanger the life and wellbeing of its potential future parent? And also when you will deny it formula? Food? Health care? Safe housing? … 1/3
    1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
      “When you are willing to build a box to lock it in when it is born? When you are unwilling to offer its parents the kinds of leave or economic support that could make its life better, healthier? Permit it to thrive? What is that? Why don’t we challenge it?” 2/3
      1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
        “Why doesn't the mainstream political and media world say this? These are lies. This is bullshit. This is not a valuation of life, this is a system of punishment and control, and of putting people in boxes where they do not have power, dignity, or the ability to thrive.” 3/3