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    1. Having spent ~12 years attending Catholic school and reading & analyzing the entirety the New Testament in the theology classes that were a facet of that education, the “Prosperity Gospel” never made sense to me. Turns out it was cooked up by wealthy elites…
  1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
    …who saw the teachings of Jesus that were central to Christianity as oppositional to their quest for greater wealth (Jesus was pretty much a socialist, after all). Unsurprisingly, they cooked up a take on Christianity…
    1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
      …that turned wealth into a virtue. And then they paid off a bunch of influential preachers to spread the idea (making them wealthy/virtuous too). This & more in The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/naomi-oreskes/the-big-myth-american-business/
      1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
        P.S. - They also come from a long line of folks trying to tell Americans we have a “free market” that shouldn't he overseen by the government while simultaneously lobbying the government to underwrite their gains and socialize their losses. Corporatism at its best!