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    1. …in reply to @polotek
      @polotek We can’t understand what we don’t measure. But I guess some folks don’t actually care. Personally, I think it should be tracked and a manager’s compensation should be pegged to their ability to grow & maintain a diverse team. Incentives & disincentives!
  1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
    @polotek I’ve been pushing for tracking this data on a per team and per manager basis. Sure, it’s possible that a team repeatedly losing folks from a particular intersectional identity may be purely coincidence, but it might not and, if I were in charge, I’d want to know.
    1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
      @polotek I also really want to see a good exit interview program in action as well. Something that incentivizes candor/honesty and provides safety & support for those who are leaving a team, whether they are going to another team or leaving the company altogether.
      1. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
        @polotek Not sure what it would look like, but it should certainly be compensated and should probably, as necessary, offer mental health support (though that may be a bridge too close to admitting fault for HR to be comfortable).