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A list of popular tweets by retweets and favorites.

  1. Nigerian & Kenyan friends: Hit me up if you’re considering applying for a position in one of these offices. I’ll submit your resume using our internal tool if you have a job #. I can’t guarantee it will help, but it couldn’t hurt. DMs open. Details: reuters.com/article/us-africa-microsoft/microsoft-to-spend-100-million-on-kenya-nigeria-tech-development-hub-idUSKCN1SK1BT
  2. I’m incredibly excited about this new #accessibility tool made with ❤️ by some of my friends: accessibilityinsights.io/ It’s incredible for quick tests & can walk you through creating thorough audits that you can export and share with others. You can even file issues to GitHub!
  3. Can I help you with your career? I’m accepting applications for my 2018–2019 mentorships through September 30th. aaron-gustafson.com/notebook/mentorship-2018-2019/
  4. If you publish on the Web, please, please, please, give your subheadings an ID so we can link to individual sections!
  5. Check your customer's web browsing environment in seconds. Why hasn't someone built this before?! yourbrowser.is/
  6. I did not see this coming: free Windows 10 for Raspberry Pi gizmodo.com/windows-10-will-be-free-for-raspberry-pi-1683201820 Bold move @Microsoft.
  7. Psst! I’ll make a formal announcement on Monday, but my book, Adaptive Web Design, is now available online for free: adaptivewebdesign.info/1st-edition
  8. 🔖 Accessibility according to actual people with disabilities axesslab.com/accessibility-according-to-pwd/
  9. 🔖 C’mon people. It’s 2019. Use a fucking label and associate it with the field using the for attribute. If you can figure out React (or Angular or whatever), you can absolutely figure this out. adrianroselli.com/2019/09/an-html-element-potentially-worth-18m-to-indiegogo-campaigns.html
  10. Did you hear? Progressive Web Apps are coming to Windows & Edge! Slides from my talk today: slideshare.net/AaronGustafson/progressive-web-apps-and-the-windows-ecosystem-build-2017
  11. Don’t choose a technical stack because it’s cool, choose it because it’s *appropriate*.
  12. Smartphone Browser localStorage is up to 5x Faster than Native Cache mobify.com/blog/smartphone-localstorage-outperforms-browser-cache/
  13. Would you like to be in control of how long sites are permitted to access your location, microphone, clipboard, etc.? I’m working on this idea and hope to post an explainer that goes into more detail later this week: discourse.wicg.io/t/time-limited-permissions/3706?u=aarongustafson Comments appreciated.
  14. On Monday I will start working @reybango and @codepo8 at @Microsoft. Here’s why: aaron-gustafson.com/notebook/ch-ch-ch-changes/
  15. Currently prototyping: ServiceWorker, Push Notifications, Shadow DOM, Custom Elements, Web Payments… #EdgeWebSummit
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  16. Can I just say how much I hate JavaScript links? If I cannot open a link in a new tab, your site is pretty useless to me and I’m going to leave.
  17. Notifying users of changes to your #PWA is hard. We’re thinking about ways to make it easier by enabling you to include a version number and point to an HTML change log, RSS/Atom feed, or similar from within your web app manifest. Feedback appreciated! github.com/MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers/blob/master/VersionHistory/explainer.md
  18. …in reply to @codebeast
    @codebeast This is horrible. I'm reaching out to a friend in the US State Department. I'm also going to look at a few other options.
  19. …in reply to @AaronGustafson
    I’m starting a new role! On June 6th, I’ll be joining Mary Bellard’s team (in @jennylayfluffy’s org) to chart the future of accessible tech as @Microsoft’s Accessibility Innovation Strategist. This is a dream come true! #PinchMe #TheFutureIsAccessible
  20. …in reply to @jaydeipowell
    @jaydeipowell 🤚🏻✋🏻🖐🏻🤚🏻✋🏻🖐🏻🤚🏻✋🏻🖐🏻 Raise ’em again if you’ve heard that framed as “passionate,” “driven,” or any other BS term that turns bad behavior into something worthy of praise.